We are a community of jet ski enthusiasts with a passion to bring our sport to all ages in the Southeast.
About the Chattanooga
Jet Ski Club
The Chattanooga Jet Ski Club, a division of Southeast Jet Sports Promotions, was founded in 2019 when two jet ski enthusiasts saw a need for organized jet ski events and races in the southeastern part of the US.
About Chattanooga Jet Ski Club
The Chattanooga Jet Ski Club was established in 2019 by Dustin Higdon and Keith McAfee. Before being established, the group set up unorganized and unapproved buoy courses at various times throughout the summer, oftentimes on a last-minute basis. The result often ended with the local wildlife resource agency arriving and shutting down the fun.
In the spring of 2019, Dustin and Keith teamed up and worked through the application process with the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency getting approval to set up a course in Soddy Lake at designated times during the late spring and summer months. Initially, the club continued with ad-hoc planning of ride days, often to the dismay of the local population, who use the area to swim and fish. After the first year, the club decided to try something new, it was then that Wet Scooter Wednesdays were established as a way to curtail some of the conflicts with weekend swimmers.
Every Wednesday, and at least one Saturday a month, the group gets together and rides buoys. Saturdays are considered special as it allows riders from further away to come and enjoy the water and buoy riding. Currently, riders from as far away as Kentucky, Virginia, South Carolina have come to be a part.
We welcome all age groups, from 12 and up, to become and be a part of this special group of people. There are all classes of skis from runabout to stand-up, vintage to new. The group is also diverse in experience, everything from first-time riders to grandmasters. We have boys, girls, men, and women, all of whom share skis, experience but most of all … good times!

Featured In ProRider Magazine
The Thrill of the Ride

By joining our club
You’ll have access to these events
Buoy Riding
Buoy Riding
The Wednesday night courses are usually kept simple so that riders at all experience levels can enjoy time on the water. This allows for those who have never been on a buoy course to learn in an environment that’s not overwhelming, while at the same time giving more experienced riders time to practice for upcoming races. What is amazing about the mix of riding levels is that newer riders can watch and learn how to ride buoys from the more experienced riders. This time also allows for discussion on technique, strategy, and swapping race stories.
The ride area limits us to the types of skis that may be utilized. Only sport class skis, stand-ups, and certain older model “2-seater” skis may be ridden. These include Waveblasters, HX, Hurricanes, Stand-ups, Seadoo X4 models (SP, SPi, SPX, XP), and Sparks. Large runabouts are not authorized. Please feel free to message us with any questions.
2022 Season Dates
Saturday Rides (9a-2p)
- April 23, 2022 (TBD)
- May 28, 2022
- June 18, 2022 (2nd Annual Super Chicken Olympics)
- July 16, 2022
- August 27, 2022
Wednesdays throughout the summer from 5:30p – Sunset. Season opener date TBD.
Please monitor Facebook and Instagram for changes in the schedule (weather cancellations, etc) and for Wednesday start date.
River Runs
River Rides
River runs can start at any point where there is access to water. They can also be conducted on both the lake and riverside. Finally, unlike buoy riding, minimal equipment is needed to participate, simply grab your life jacket (per state guidelines), sunscreen, and snacks.